The words "your deeds are your monuments" were inscribed on an Egyptian tomb. This quote got me thinking about the word legacy.
A legacy is something (as memories or knowledge) that comes from the past or a person you knew or know currently. Someone said that legacy is like planting a seed in a garden you never get to see. I love this quote for many reasons. One, it's beautiful. Two, it's terrific poetry. Three, it's accurate. I am most familiar with looking at legacy like you're leaving footprints along a beach. I think that lots of folks don't care about their legacy. They don't care about the legacy they'll leave behind and how people will remember them. I admire this but I also dislike it. I admire it because, in a way, they don't care and are just reckless. They act like fools and they don't seem worried about what others think. But I also dislike this because they are reckless, fools, and don't care. Where I think I care a little too much.